Being Remembered

Being Remembered

Several readers of my latest book have asked about the word rememberment in the quotation above. It seems that once again my ability to make up words is a difficulty for some, and creates curiosity for others. I’m pleased on both accounts because far too often we gloss over important matters because we don’t, won’t or can’t stop to consider their meaning.

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Seeing True and Progressive Recovery?

Seeing True and Progressive Recovery?

Just a few weeks ago my newest book was released. Progressive Recovery through the Twelve Steps: Emotionally Sober for Life turns out to be a capstone to my life; not just as a recovering alcoholic, but as a guy who has been called to the Spirit for the whole of my life.

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How Optimism in the Face of Adversity Can Change Everything

How Optimism in the Face of Adversity Can Change Everything

If you have ever been in a tight spot, physically, emotionally or psychologically, you have experience with this. In darkness, any bit of light brings forth resolve. In tragedy, any glimmer of strength lifts spirits. In seeming hopelessness, any inkling of opportunity brings new energy no matter how weary we may be.

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