Speaking True: Ten Thousand Lives

Let's get a little heretical for once. Well, okay, sometimes I'm heretical. 

This is a really touchy topic though. People wonder about reincarnation. I've wondered about reincarnation. Why would I be talking about this? Well, because there's this big question in the world about fairness and equity. 

And I get to share a story about a therapist who worked with me many years ago doing past life regressions, which I still don't know what I think of those. But I once asked Hania, the therapist, “How does this deal work?”

She laughed. "Well, Ron, I've thought about it a lot." (She was actually a refugee from Eastern Europe, which gave her some appreciation for fairness and equity.) "What if all of us get ten thousand lives. Ten thousand lives! That's the way the deal works. On life nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine, you have to forget everything you've learned in order to learn the final lessons of compassion, or whatever."

That would mean that you could be drunk in a gutter, or a bum, or violent human being, learning the final lessons. 

Look, I don't know if that's true or not, but I'll tell you what it did for me. It shifted my perception, so that I could imagine somehow or another in the grand scheme of things this deal is equitable, it is fair. We just can't see it from the vantage point of our life in this day, this moment. 

Why talk about this? Probably because it's come up with three different clients recently, and I thought it was necessary to pass it on. 

Something for you to consider.