A Love Letter to Life

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“How can you not got this?” 

Those were the words that fell out of my mouth when deep in a transformational conversation with a much loved friend, Amy. I remember it so clearly because she stopped me immediately and reflected it back to me with a joy-filled laugh.

“Ron, that’s it … that’s perfect!” 

Amy had just talked through with me a recent transformative experience, and we had both marveled that after years of persistent inner work, she had connected the dots in a most profound way.

“That explains everything!” she had said just before I uttered the quote with which this piece begins.

Now, we have to explore why this strikes me as such a profound matter. It was truly one of those “had-to-be-there-to-experience-it” moments, so let’s see if we can tease out the profundity. 

First we must reach back to a biblical scripture, one that is not as it seems:

 “Thy will be done, thy kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven.” 

What if that phrase lifted from The Lord’s Prayer is not a request for action but an affirmation of realization?

What if Jesus, like so many of the masters that span religions, races and ethnicities, is calling us to awaken to the presence of the divine in everything and in every moment? What if we are being asked to see truly, to see through appearances and behold that we are always on holy ground? What if every moment is a holy instant, moment after moment after moment? What if the problems we imagine really are in our interpretation of reality, not in reality itself? Who would we be, and what would we then do if each day is already filled with the proverbial manna from heaven?

All these questions would point to the present moment, and suggest that the present moment is already filled with all the meaning and purpose any one of us could want. In that case, nothing could be awry except in our ability to see and experience it.

Seeing True in Contemplation™

Even as I have written these ideas, I find myself having to stop and slip into the stillness to consider their magnitude. Let’s take a modern bit of language and tweak it. Interestingly, it comes from the apocalyptic visions in The Hunger Games.

What if the odds are (and always have been) in our favor?

Who would we be, and what would we then do?

How can you not got this?